The Main Goals for the Earths Spirit for Sustainability Development.

• Development programs to promote and empower the role of adolescents in the community.
• Training the community on the sustainable social development, environment, health, culture and science in accordance with the provisions of the law.
• Training the youths on handicrafts.
• Training youth on how to implement voluntary initiatives to serve the Jordanian society.
• Provide training courses to promote educational and cultural awareness among  youths  about the others cultures.
• Provide training courses for the youth with special needs to enable them to find suitable job opportunities.
• Cooperate with official and non-official institutions to achieve the objectives of the Earths spirit.
• Training youths on agricultural, environment, water, and renewable energy.
• Training youth on how to perform theatrical activities to get the community support.
• Working with civil society organizations to cooperate with all sectors of society in adopting the green environment.
• Rehabilitation and training of advisory, folkloric and cultural teams and presenting these shows in historical, archaeological and tourist places .
• Training  young people on leadership skills, creative thinking and economic empowerment.

• Initiating initiatives to achieve the Earths spirit goals.